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Support for clients with a cognitive impairment

There are many reasons why a person could have memory loss ranging from progressive brain disorders, following a stroke or because the person has Alzheimer’s or Dementia. For whatever reason living with progressive memory loss can be a scary and upsetting situation for both the clients and their loved one.

Having memory loss can range from being ‘a bit forgetful’ to a total lack of understanding of what is happening. There may be problems with memory, thinking, reasoning and understanding. In this situation a person may forget to eat, wash or do things most people take for granted in addition to not being able to effectively communicate with others. We can provide a supportive and understanding approach to caring for someone with memory loss, using reminiscence therapies and techniques to help clients recall things in addition to offering practical care support.

We believe it is important to involve the person with memory loss as much as possible as they may struggle to adapt or learn new things or make sense of what is happening. We can provide our clients with a large range of supporting material related to this area of care provided by the local hospital.